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Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 : Tugas 1. Subject Verb Agreement

   Subject-Verb Agreement has a basic rule state, when we use a singular subject then we must take singular verb and when we use a plural subject then we must take plural verb. Usually a singular subject involves a singular item or a singular person. Plural subject involves more than one item or person. Almost all of them when we meet plural subject end with s, and when we meet singular verb end with es/s. Ok, we will make separate example for singular subject and plural subject.
  • Singular subject – singular verb.
    What is meant by pronoun he is singular than yourself than yourself , she , and it , nouns or which can be replaced by he , she or it ; what is meant by the singular verbs is verb1 + ice / 's , is / was , and verb phrase as : / / is was + verb-ing verb3 , has + verb3 , has been verb-ing and has been verb3 .
  • Plural subject – plural verb.
    What is meant by plural than yourself than yourself is pronouns as i , we , you , they , and all the plural nouns . Meanwhile which meant by plural verb phrase and verbs verbs is singular in addition to verbs .                           
  • Example :
  1. He Changes TV Program.
  2. It Was Complicated.
  3. Yusril Has Been Writing.
  4. Yusuf Was Going To Eat.
  5. None Of Us Is Unfinish The Job.
  6. They Are Actor.
  7. They Have Been Writing.
  8. I Am Going To Work.
  9. Some People In The Class Are Very Smart.
  10. They Were Going To Be Eating.
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